Other Artists

Giman K (Kギマン)

GHC Bibliography

Yukako Kabei (壁井ユカコ)

Author who wrote the Kiiri:  Shisha-tachi wa Areno ni Nemuru* (キーリ  死者たちは荒野に眠る) novels, adapted into comics by Shiori Teshirogi (手代木史織).


Saiko Kaburagi (蕪木彩子)

"Saiko Kaburagi" is apparently a collaboration between two artists, Baku Kaburagi (蕪木ばく) and Natsuki Hiura (ひうらなつき).  They sometimes add their own names to their works.

As indicated by the frequent appearance of the word "splatter" in the titles, these works tend to be gory.

GHC Bibliography


Junko Kagari (かがり淳子)

GHC Bibliography


Kichou Kagemori (影森奇蝶)

Sometimes listed as an alternate pen name for Marina Shirakawa (白川まり奈), although this has not been confirmed.

Yuu Kagura (神楽ゆう)

Hypno-therapist who wrote the story for You Taiki (堆木庸)’s Kokoro no Shohousen:  Inner Medicine* (心の処方箋  インナーメディスン).

Sayumi Kai (甲斐さゆみ)

GHC Bibliography


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Narumi Kakinouchi (垣野内成美)

Kakinouchi is, in my opinion, one of the greatest artists living in Japan.  Like many Americans, my first exposure to girls’ horror was through her works, and it was an unforgettable experience.  She would probably be included in my featured authors if it weren’t for the fact that she already has dozens of fan pages all over the world!

Kakinouchi often worked in collaboration with her husband, who apparently writes under the annoyingly similar names Toshiki Hirano (平野俊貴) and Toshihiro Hirano (平野俊弘).

GHC Bibliography


Fumi Kakizaki (柿崎普美)

GHC Bibliography


Fuufu Kakuta (角田ふうふ)

GHC Bibliography

Kamata Kimiko (かまたきみこ)

Kamata listed her name in the Eastern order on her former web site.

GHC Bibliography


Manabu Kaminaga (神永学)

Author of the Shinrei Tantei Yakumo (心霊探偵八雲) novel series, which has been adapted into two separate girls' horror comics titles:  Shinrei Tantei Yakumo (心霊探偵八雲), by Suzuka Oda (小田すずか), and Shinrei Tantei Yakumo:  Akai Hitomi wa Shitte Iru (心霊探偵八雲  赤い瞳は知っている), by Ritsu Miyako (都戸利津).


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Yū Kamiya (神谷悠)

Not to be confused with the author of No Game, No Life (ノーゲーム・ ノーライフ), whose name is written with different characters in Japanese (榎宮祐).

GHC Bibliography


Mika Kamizawa (神澤美香)

A New-Age therapist who also wrote the Psychic Dr. Kamizawa Mika no Fushigi Clinic (サイキックDr.神澤美香の 不思議クリニック) series.  The first volume was drawn by Makoto Morimura (森村真琴).  Four more volumes were drawn by You Taiki (堆木庸).

Nanami Kamon (加門七海)

Author of a series of novels which were the source for Seimei. (晴明。) by Akemi Inokawa (猪川朱美).  She also provided the material for the "true horror" series Kaiki Shinrei Gatari (怪奇心霊語り) and Kaidan Tsurezuregusa (怪談徒然草), both drawn by JET.


Kanda Mori (神田森莉)

Kanda's given name has sometimes appeared as "Moli," but apparently he now prefers the more traditional "Mori."

He appears to have previously acted as an independant self-publisher, releasing titles online under Hamster Books.  Many of these works were also made available in English.  Kanda himself labels his horror comics as "Screaming Bloody Gore!  Bad Taste Horror."  Some may also have adult content.  Caveat emptor!

GHC Bibliography


Hikaru Kandori (神鳥ひかる)

GHC Bibliography

Remi Kaneko (金子レミ・ 金子玲美)

Wrote the stories for Tsugumi Tsukishima (月嶋つぐ美)’s Koroshiya Kyoushi Tanaka Ichirou no Jikenbo (殺し屋教師田中一朗の事件簿) and Tenshi-teki Tantei Dan* (天使的探偵団) series.

Kanemune (兼宗)

Illustrator of The House in Fata Morgana (ファタモルガーナの館) comics adaptation serialized in Akita Shoten (秋田書店)'s Mystery Bonita (ミステリーボニータ).

The name is consistently listed as one word on publications, although the associated Twitter page would imply that it should actually be romanized as Kane Mune.

Hanako Karube (軽部華子)

GHC Bibliography

Ayumi Kasai (笠井あゆみ)


Oruka Kashii (香椎オルカ)

GHC Bibliography


Hideo Kasuya (粕谷秀夫)

Author of the Akane no Dowsing Rod* (あかねのダウジングロード) series by Mika Takemori (竹森美香).


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Shuu Katayama (片山愁)


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Kato Yagi (加藤山羊)

The creative team of artist Kato Yagi and author Yagi Jun (矢樹純) serialized Kairai no Ori:  Induction Game* (傀儡の檻  インダクション・ゲーム) in Mystery Bonita.  The series was then released in two digital-only volumes titled Remote Parasite:  Kao no Nai Oni ga Boku o Kurau* (リモート・ パラサイト  顔のない鬼が僕を喰らう).


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Arata Kawabata (川端新)


Mika Kawachi (河内実加)


Madoka Kawaguchi (川口まどか)

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Yumiko Kawahara (川原由美子)


Yuu Kawamorita (川守田游)

Wrote the story for Chiyomi Itani (井澗千代美)’s Fitness Club Satsujin Jiken (フィットネスクラブ殺人事件).

Mayumi Kawamura (川村真弓美)

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Kawarayane (瓦屋根)


Yukio Kawasaki (川崎ゆきお)


Norikazu Kawashima (川島のりかず)

Hiroko Kazama (風間宏子)


Sohta Kazamatsuri (風祭壮太)

GHC Bibliography


Tomo Kazuhashi (かずはしとも)

GHC Bibliography


Sachia Kazuki (一綺サチア)

GHC Bibliography


Wataru Kenmochi (剣持亘)

Screenwriter who also wrote the story for Watashi no Naka ni Hebi ga Sumu!* (わたしの中にへびがすむ!), drawn by Ryoko Takashina (高階良子).


KIKI (木々)

Not to be confused with the author of the series released in English as Roll Over and Die, whose name is written with different characters in Japanese (キキ).

GHC Bibliography


Hideyuki Kikuchi (菊地秀行)

A prolific author and source for several comics series, including the horror titles Darkside Blues by Yūho Ashibe (あしべゆうほ), and Western Bugei Chou (ウエスタン武芸帳) and KEN & JET no Makai Shoukan (KEN&JETの魔界召喚), both drawn by JET.


Chikako Kikukawa (菊川近子)

Kikukawa is a classic girls' horror artist, sometimes compared to Chie Watari (渡千枝).

She has been published since at least the 1970s, however, so it has proved difficult to get complete information on her earlier titles.

GHC Bibliography


Noriko Kimoto (きもとのりこ)

GHC Bibliography


Kazuaki Kimura (木村和昭)

GHC Bibliography

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Minori Kimura (樹村みのり)


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Naomi Kimura (木村直巳)


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Kio Nato (樹生ナト)


Tamaki Kirishima (霧島珠樹)


Aya Kisaragi (きさらぎ綾)

GHC Bibliography


Daimuro Kishi (岸大武郎)


Yuko Kishi (岸裕子)


Yuusuke Kishi (貴志祐介)

Horror writer and author of the novel Isola:  Juusan-banme no Jinkaku* (ISOLA   十三番目の人格, on which Miki Rinno (凛野ミキ)’s Isola:  Tajuujinkaku Shoujo (ISOLA  多重人格少女) was based.  His Kuroi Ie (黒い家) was made into a live-action movie which was then also adapted into a comic drawn by Futaba Ono (小野双葉).


Atsuko Kishida (岸田あつ子)

GHC Bibliography

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D. Kissan* (D・キッサン)


Kaoru Kitamura (北村薫)

Mystery author who wrote the stories for the Meitantei Kannagi Yumihiko (名探偵・ 巫弓彦) series drawn by Yutaka Nanten (南天佑); and Fukumen Satsuka wa Futari Iru* (覆面作家は二人いる), drawn by Mizuho Mino (美濃みずほ).


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Yuuka Kitamura (きたむらゆうか)


Shigeru Kitazawa (北沢しげる)

Hiromi Kiyohara (きよはらひろみ)

GHC Bibliography

An Kobayakawa (小早川杏)


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Kaoru Kobayashi (小林薫)


Moriwo Kobayashi (小林モリヲ)

GHC Bibliography


Ponzu Kobayashi (小林ぽんず)

Has also created comics under the name Usako Yamada (山田うさこ), although none of those are horror.

GHC Bibliography


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Shinichi Koga (古賀新一)

Known almost exclusively for the Ekoeko Azarak (エコエコアザラク) series, even in Japan, Koga actually had a long and prolific career.  It is difficult to come by information on his earliest works, especially since some were apparently published under the name Shinsaku Koga (古賀しんさく), a variation of his real name (written 古賀申策).  Any additional infomation would be appreciated!

His work also sometimes appeared in horror anthologies.


Mieko Koide (こいでみえこ)

Koide has primarily written "boys’ love" titles, only one of which qualifies as girls' horror:  Saigo no Yakusoku* (最後の約束), published by Asahi Sonorama (朝日ソノラマ) under Nemurenu Yoru no Kimyou na Hanashi Comics (眠れぬ夜の奇妙な話コミックス).


Nao Koiso (小磯名緒)

GHC Bibliography


Mihoko Koiwa (こいわ美保子)

GHC Bibliography

Eiko Komaru (こまるえいこ)

Eiko Komuro (小室栄子)

GHC Bibliography


Shigeko Komuro (小室しげ子)


Youko Kondou (近藤ようこ)


Youko Kosakabe (こさかべ陽子)

GHC Bibliography

Takeshi Koshiro (古城武司)


Shirou Kouenji (高園寺司朗) / Tsukasa Kouenji (高園寺司)

This creator worked under two pen names:  Tsukasa Kouenji (高園寺司) for his Hibari releases, and Shirou Kouenji (高園寺司朗) for the Rippu Shobo publications.

GHC Bibliography

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Yun Kouga (高河ゆん)

Comics creator and skilled illustrator, Kouga is best known in the US for the Loveless series, available in English translation.  She is a prolific author, however, and also released one girls' horror title, Kiga Ichizoku (飢餓一族), published by Gakken (学研出版) under Pichi Comics - Mystery Deluxe (ピチコミックス・ ミステリーデラックス).


Kariko Koyama (小山鹿梨子)

Created the suspense series Kousha no Ura ni wa Tenshi ga Uzumerarete Iru* (校舎のうらには天使が埋められている), published by Kodansha (講談社), as well as having works in horror anthologies.


Naoko Kugo (九後奈緒子)

GHC Bibliography

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Takaomi Kujyo (九条タカオミ)

Primarily a creator of "boys’ love" and adult titles, Kujyo also released a few cat comedies:  Goronyan Short:  Neko Asobi* (ごろにゃんショート  ねこあそび) and the three-volume Happy Neko Nikki (はっぴぃ猫日記) series.  As Akita Shoten (秋田書店) chose to run both of these in Mystery Bonita (ミステリーボニータ), they technically qualify as horror.


Shinko Kumazaki (熊崎慎子)

GHC Bibliography


Rimu Kunisaki (国東利夢)

GHC Bibliography

Jun Kurachi (倉知淳)

Author of the Nekomaru-senpai mystery stories, adapted into comics by many of the artists listed here.  The comics were compiled in Meitantei Nekomaru-senpai no Jikenbo (名探偵  猫丸先輩の事件簿) 1-2, published by Akita Shoten (秋田書店) under Susperia Mystery Comics Alpha.


Natsuki Kuriyama (栗山なつき)


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Kasumi Kuroda (黒田かすみ/くろだかすみ)

Kuroda primarily draws romance comics, including adaptations of Harlequin novels.  Her one mystery series, Vice, was published twice, once by Kadokawa Shoten (角川書店) under Asuka Comics DX (あすかコミックスDX), and once by Bunkasha (ぶんか社) under Bunkasha Comic Bunko (ぶんか社コミック文庫).


Minoru Kuroda (黒田みのる)


Agasa Kuroi (黒井あがさ)

GHC Bibliography


Satsuki Kurosaki (黒崎さつき)

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Takumi Kusakabe (日下部拓海)


Tsukiko Kuse (くせつきこ)

GHC Bibliography

Miki Kushinada (くしなだみき)

GHC Bibliography

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Kei Kusunoki (楠桂)


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Mizuki Kuze (久世みずき)

Created Shoujo-tachi no Kyoufu Douwa:  Utsukushii hodo Osoroshii (少女たちの恐怖童話  美しいほど恐ろしい), published by Shogakukan (小学館) under their Ciao Horror Comics (ちゃおホラーコミックス) label, and has also had works in horror anthologies.
