Mizuho Mori (Kaoru Hagiwara)
page content last updated July 15, 2013

Part-time Senshi Hikari (パートタイム戦士HIKARI)

Akita Shoten (秋田書店):  Horror Comics Special (ホラーコミックススペシャル)

ISBN-10:4-253-12745-2, 07/1991

The story was by Mutsumi Inomata (いのまたむつみ); Mori did the art under her Hagiwara pen name.

Jinmen-kun, Irasshai (人面くん、いらっしゃい)

Asahi Sonorama (朝日ソノラマ):  Nemurenu Yoru no Kimyou na Hanashi Comics (眠れぬ夜の奇妙な話コミックス)

ISBN-10:4-257-90338-4, 03/1998

Other Works:

Mori has written other girls’ comics titles under Akita Shoten’s Bonita Comics, though none appear to be horror:

She has put out two more girls’ titles through Sony Magazines (ソニー・マガジンズ) under Sony Magazines Comics - Kimi to Boku Collection:

Her first ladies' titles are adaptations of romance novels, published by Ohzora Publishing (宙出社) under Emerald Comics - Romance Comics (エメラルドコミックス  ロマンスコミックス).  Ai no Oukan (愛の王冠) was based on Crowned with Love by Barbara Cartland, and Fukushuu wa Amai Yuuwaku (復讐は甘い誘惑) was from Jocelyn Day's Glitter Girl.

Under her Hagiwara pen name, she did the adult title Pandora, published by Kousai Syobo (光彩書房).  She released one boys' title:  Nan demo-ya Kaigyouchuu!  Nanako ga Yuku (なんでも屋開業中!  ナナコがゆく) from Bunkasha Comics.  She also illustrated the novels Ubawareta Hakui* (奪われた白衣) and Kegasareta Hakui* (汚された白衣), written by Shiira Gou (剛しいら) and published by East Press (イーストプレス).