Atsuko Narumo
page content last updated May 8, 2011

Yami kara no Sasoi (闇からの誘い)

Kodansha (講談社):  Kodansha Comics Friend (講談社コミックスフレンド)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)

ISBN-10:4-06-173982-4, 06/1983

Elex Media translated this title into Indonesian as Panggilan dari Kegelapan.

Fukushuu no Kamen (復讐の仮面)

Kodansha (講談社):  Kodansha Comics - Roman Mystery (講談社コミックス・ ロマンミステリー)

ISBN-10:4-06-104703-5, 06/1984

Reikan Shoujo:  Yami no Karte (霊感少女  闇のカルテ)

Kodansha (講談社):  Kodansha Comics Friend (講談社コミックスフレンド)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)

ISBN-10:4-06-176014-9, 06/1984

Kyoufu Tanpen Kessakusen:  Reikan Shoujo:  Yami no Karte (恐怖短編傑作選  霊感少女  闇のカルテ)

Kodansha (講談社):  Kodansha Manga Bunko (講談社漫画文庫)
Bunko-ban (文庫版)

ISBN-10:4-06-360270-2, 06/2002

Reikan Taiken Report (霊感体験レポート)

Kodansha (講談社):  Kodansha Comics Friend (講談社コミックスフレンド)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)

ISBN-10:4-06-176063-7, 09/1985

Kyoufu Tanpen Kessakusen:  Reikan Taiken Report (恐怖短編傑作選  霊感体験レポート)

Kodansha (講談社):  Kodansha Manga Bunko (講談社漫画文庫)
Bunko-ban (文庫版)

ISBN-10:4-06-360303-2, 07/2002

Elex Media also translated this title into Indonesian, as Mysterious Report.

Suimeikyuu (水迷宮)

Shogakukan (小学館):  Petit Seven Comics (プチセブンコミックス)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)

v.1:  ISBN-10:4-09-132141-0, 10/1985
v.2:  ISBN-10:4-09-132142-9, 02/1987
v.3:  ISBN-10:4-09-132143-7, 07/1987
v.4:  ISBN-10:4-09-132144-5, 01/1989
v.5:  ISBN-10:4-09-132145-3, 05/1989
v.6:  ISBN-10:4-09-132146-1, 02/1990
v.7:  ISBN-10:4-09-132147-X, 12/1990

Kyoufu Tanpen Kessakusen:  Suimeikyuu (恐怖短編傑作選  水迷宮)

Kodansha (講談社):  Kodansha Manga Bunko (講談社漫画文庫)
Bunko-ban (文庫版)

v.1:  ISBN-10:4-06-360218-4, 04/2002
v.2:  ISBN-10:4-06-360219-2, 04/2002
v.3:  ISBN-10:4-06-360239-7, 05/2002
v.4:  ISBN-10:4-06-360240-0, 05/2002

This series is actually a collection of short works.  The first volume of the original edition contains the following pieces:  Zakuro Gensou (柘榴幻想), Enten (炎天), Kara (), Ikenie (生贄), and Bobby o Sagashite (ボビィをさがして).

Kage o Koroshita Onna (影を殺した女)

Kodansha (講談社):  Kodansha Comics - Roman Mystery (講談社コミックス・ ロマンミステリー)

ISBN-10:4-06-104716-7, 06/1986

Shi e no Finale (死への終幕)

Kodansha (講談社):  Kodansha Comics Friend (講談社コミックスフレンド)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)

ISBN-10:4-06-176103-X, 07/1986

Translated into Indonesian by Elex Media under the title Panggung Kematian.

Midori no Jumon (緑の呪文)

Kodansha (講談社):  Kodansha Comics Friend (講談社コミックスフレンド)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)

ISBN-10:4-06-176124-2, 03/1987

Hakuchuumu (白昼夢)

Kodansha (講談社):  Kodansha Comics - Roman Mystery (講談社コミックス・ ロマンミステリー)

ISBN-10:4-06-104733-7, 07/1987

Minamono Matsuri (水喪祭)

Asahi Sonorama (朝日ソノラマ):  Halloween Comics (ハロウィンコミックス)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)

ISBN-10:4-257-91909-4, 07/1987

Minamono Matsuri (水喪祭)

Asahi Sonorama (朝日ソノラマ):  Halloween Shoujo Comic Kan (ハロウィン少女コミック館)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)

ISBN-10:4-257-98088-5, 01/1989

Hiyaku (秘薬)

Kodansha (講談社):  Kodansha Comics Friend (講談社コミックスフレンド)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)

ISBN-10:4-06-176169-2, 04/1988

31-maime no Kuuhaku (31まいめの空白)

Kodansha (講談社):  Kodansha Comics - Kaiki Roman (講談社コミックス・ 怪奇ロマン)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)

ISBN-10:4-06-316801-8, 07/1988

Kamikakushi (神隠し)

Kodansha (講談社):  Kodansha Comics Friend (講談社コミックスフレンド)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)

ISBN-10:4-06-176207-9, 12/1988

Ma no Kaze ga Fuku (魔の風が吹く)

Kodansha (講談社):  Kodansha Comics Friend (講談社コミックスフレンド)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)

ISBN-10:4-06-176233-8, 10/1989

Shiryou no Umeki (死霊のうめき)

Kodansha (講談社):  Kodansha Comics Friend (講談社コミックスフレンド)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)

ISBN-10:4-06-176259-1, 07/1990

Kyoufu Tanpen Kessakusen:  Shiryou no Umeki (恐怖短編傑作選  死霊のうめき)

Kodansha (講談社):  Kodansha Manga Bunko (講談社漫画文庫)
Bunko-ban (文庫版)

ISBN-10:4-06-360304-0, 07/2002

Elex Media translated it into Indonesian as Jeritan Roh.

Shinrei Taiken:  Jikkenshitsu no Mariko (心霊体験  実験室のマリコ)

Kodansha (講談社):  Kodansha Comics Friend (講談社コミックスフレンド)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)

ISBN-10:4-06-176299-0, 05/1991

Translated into Indonesian by Elex Media as Dendam Mariko.

Kai:  Rei Taiken Nikki (怪  霊体験日記)

Kodansha (講談社):  Kodansha Comics Friend (講談社コミックスフレンド)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)

v.1:  ISBN-10:4-06-176338-5, 02/1992
v.2:  ISBN-10:4-06-176363-6, 11/1992

Kyoufu Tanpen Kessakusen:  Kai:  Rei Taiken Nikki (恐怖短編傑作選  怪  霊体験日記)

Kodansha (講談社):  Kodansha Manga Bunko (講談社漫画文庫)
Bunko-ban (文庫版)

ISBN-10:4-06-360315-6, 08/2002

The original series was translated into Indonesian by Elex Media under the title Book of Terrors.

Akumu:  Nightmare (悪夢・ ナイトメア)

Kodansha (講談社):  Kodansha Comics Deluxe (講談社コミックスデラックス)

ISBN-10:4-06-319510-4, 08/1994

This may actually have been a ladies’ title, since Kodansha published works for both audiences.  But circumstantial evidence seems to indicate that it was aimed at girls.

Kutsubako no Naka kara . . . (くつ箱の中から…)

Asahi Sonorama (朝日ソノラマ):  Halloween Shoujo Comic Kan (ハロウィン少女コミック館)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)

ISBN-10:4-257-98567-4, 06/1995

Kyoufu Tanpen Kessakusen:  Shisha no Mori (恐怖短編傑作選  死者の森)

Kodansha (講談社):  Kodansha Manga Bunko (講談社漫画文庫)
Bunko-ban (文庫版)

ISBN-10:4-06-360316-4, 08/2002

Other Works:

Narumo has also done a considerable number of ladies’ comics.  Most if not all of these are also horror.

Her earliest volumes were published by Kodansha under Kodansha Comics Young Lady Deluxe:

Kaiki Roman Ishoku Tanpen Kessakushuu:  Genei* (怪奇ロマン異色短篇傑作集  幻影) was published by Tokyo Sansei Sha (東京三世社) under My Comics.

Also from Kodansha under Kodansha Comics Be Love:

Museiran (無精卵) was also published by Kodansha under Kodansha Comics Me.

Scholar published the following under Scholar Ladies’ Comics:

Aoba Publishing (あおば出版) has put out many titles by Narumo:

More recent ladies’ titles were published by Green Arrow Shuppan Sha (グリーンアロー出版社), later Bbmf Magazine (Bbmfマガジン), under LGA Comics:  Benriya "Tobineko" Irai Memo (便利屋 「飛猫」 依頼メモ) 1-2, Gyo Sou (魚葬), and Iya na Basho (いやな場所).

She contributed to Scholar’s Sakura Best Mystery (さくらベストミステリー) anthology series, and Aoba Publishing’s Mystery Club (ミステリー倶楽部) series and Otto o Koroshita Onna-tachi* (夫を殺した女たち) anthology.

A volume of essays about her pets has also been released, published by Gentosha Renaissance (幻冬舎ルネッサンス) and titled Zutto Inu ga Kaitakatta (ずっと犬が飼いたかった).