Parasite Eve (パラサイト・イヴ)
Kadokawa Shoten (角川書店): Asuka Comics DX (あすかコミックスDX)
ISBN-10:4-04-852906-4, 03/1998
From the movie of the same name, based on the novel by Hideaki Sena (瀬名秀明).
The comic was translated into Italian by Panini Comics.
Jii-san to Boku no Jikenchou (爺さんと僕の事件帖)
Kadokawa Shoten (角川書店): Asuka Comics DX (あすかコミックスDX)
v.1: ISBN-10:4-04-853201-4, 06/2000
v.2: ISBN-10:4-04-853267-7, 09/2000
Other Works:
Shikakuno released Manga Warau Iemon (漫画・ 嗤う伊右衛門), from the famous novel by Natsuhiko Kyogoku (京極夏彦), also published by Kadokawa Shoten. More recently she has done La Petite Fadette (ラ・ プティット・ ファデット), based on the novel by George Sand, and published by Tokyo Sogensha (東京創元社).