Akane no Dowsing Rod* (あかねのダウジングロード)
Leed Sha (リイド社): SP Comics - Kyoufu no Yakata Comic Series (SPコミックス・ 恐怖の館コミックシリーズ)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)
v.1: ISBN-10:4-8458-1132-4, 09/1994
v.2: ISBN-10:4-8458-1133-2, 01/1995
v.3: ISBN-10:4-8458-1146-4, 05/1995
The story was written by Hideo Kasutani* (粕谷秀夫).
Other Works:
Takemori herself admitted that Akane no Dowsing Rod* was atypical of her work; she seems to write mostly "boys’ love" stories. Mo Ichi-do Fallin’ Love (もいちどfallin′ love) and Sanparan no Tsuki (サンパランの月) were both published by Oakla Publishing (オークラ出版) under I’s Comics. And shobunkan (松文館) published the adult title Andante under Bessatsu Ace Five Comics (別冊エースファイブコミックス).