Keiko Tobe
page content last updated May 13, 2018

Mystery Gekijou* (ミステリー劇場)

Akita Shoten (秋田書店):  Princess Comics (プリンセスコミックス)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)

v.1:  ISBN-10:4-253-07558-4, 07/1989
v.2:  ISBN-10:4-253-07559-2, 11/1989
v.3:  ISBN-10:4-253-07560-6, 05/1990
v.4:  ISBN-10:4-253-07561-4, 12/1990
v.5:  ISBN-10:4-253-07562-2, 06/1991
v.6:  ISBN-10:4-253-07563-0, 07/1992
v.7:  ISBN-10:4-253-07564-9, 08/1992

The stories of the first two volumes and the first piece of the third volume were apparently related; otherwise this is an anthology series.

Included in v.1:

In v.2:

In v.3:

In v.4:

In v.5:

In v.6:

And in v.7:

Biidoro Kaidan* (びいどろ怪談)

Akita Shoten (秋田書店):  Princess Comics (プリンセスコミックス)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)

v.1:  ISBN-10:4-253-07881-8, 07/1993
v.2:  ISBN-10:4-253-07882-6, 11/1993
v.3:  ISBN-10:4-253-07883-4, 10/1994
v.4:  ISBN-10:4-253-07884-2, 05/1995

Bakumatsu Mahou Jin* (幕末魔法陣)

Akita Shoten (秋田書店):  Princess Comics (プリンセスコミックス)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)

v.1:  ISBN-10:4-253-07900-8, 06/1998
v.2:  ISBN-10:4-253-07901-6, 03/1999
v.3:  ISBN-10:4-253-07902-4, 07/1999
v.4:  ISBN-10:4-253-07927-X, 01/2000
v.5:  ISBN-10:4-253-07928-8, 07/2000

Other Works:

Tobe released two other girls’ comics, also published by Akita Shoten under Princess Comics:  the sports comic Joshi Pro Wres Wars:  Yume Senshi Shadow* (女子プロレスウォーズ  夢戦士シャドウ) 1 and the SF series Anan no Hoshi* (アナンの地球) 1-3.

She was no doubt best known for her one ladies’ title, Hikari to Tomo ni . . .:  Jiheishouji o Kakaete (光とともに…  自閉症児を抱えて) 1-15.  The series was also published in a ten-volume bunko-ban version, and another edition is currently in release under AC Elegance Alpha (ACエレガンスα); two volumes have been published so far.  Hikari to Tomo ni . . . was adapted into a live-action TV series in Japan.  Yen Press released the comic in English as With the Light...:  Raising an Autistic Child.

Tobe passed away in 2010 without finishing Hikari to Tomo ni . . ., but Akita Shoten released an additional "special chapter" containing the final two episodes she penned.  The volume was completed by Mei Kawasaki (河崎芽衣).