Maboroshi no Koe o Kiite (まぼろしの声を聞いて)
Asahi Sonorama (朝日ソノラマ): Halloween Shoujo Comic Kan (ハロウィン少女コミック館)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)
ISBN-10:4-257-98089-3, 02/1989
Honto ni Atta Kowai Hanashi: Sakka Hen 2: Aoi Kage (ほんとにあった怖い話 作家編 2 蒼い影)
Asahi Sonorama (朝日ソノラマ): Halloween Shoujo Comic Kan (ハロウィン少女コミック館)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)
v.2: ISBN-10:4-257-98204-7, 01/1992
Each volume of this series contains the works of a single artist. A full listing of all volumes can be found under Anthologies.
Kyouju no Kodoku na Akumu: Reikan Kyouju Michael* (教授の孤独な悪夢 霊感教授マイケル)
Asahi Shimbun Publications (朝日新聞出版): Honto ni Atta Kowai Hanashi Comics (ほんとにあった怖い話コミックス)
Other Works:
Waki created the ladies’ comic Ofukon in Panic* (オフ婚inパニック), published under Shueisha (集英社)’s You Comics.
She also did the art for Manga Nakauchi Isao: Daiei Teikoku Senryaku no Honshitsu (マンガ 中内功—ダイエー帝国・戦略の本質), written by Yuusuke Mitsumi (光見優介) and published under Hakuba Comics.