Takane Yonetani
page content last updated July 13, 2018

Subliminal (サブリミナル)

Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha (実業之日本社):  MB Comics (MBコミックス)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)

ISBN-10:4-408-43287-3, 12/1998

This volume included the following works:

Donor (ドナー)

Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha (実業之日本社):  MB Comics (MBコミックス)
Shinsho-ban (新書版)

ISBN-10:4-408-43330-6, 11/2000

Included the following:

Other Works:

Yonetani has written several other MB Comics titles, but they do not appear to be horror:

Ohzora Publishing (宙出社) published many of her ladies’ titles:

Two volumes of Love ni Peace* have been translated into English by Aurora Publishing as Make Love and Peace and Make More Love and Peace.

Harlequin (ハーレクイン), now HarperCollins Japan (ハーパーコリンズ・ ジャパン), released the following under Harlequin Comics (ハーレクインコミックス):

Harlequin/HarperCollins Japan has also released electronic versions and English translations of several of Yonetani's romance comics.

Yonetani also contributed Ai Sare Skill* (愛されスキル) to the Cosmic Publishing (コスミック出版) anthology Mitsu Koi* (密恋) .