Current Magazines
There have been many girls’ comics magazines devoted to horror, suspense and/or mystery, although only a handful are currently running.
I have tried to confirm that these are all in current release, and qualify as both horror/mystery and girls’ magazines. (There are also horror comics magazines for women; I’ve done my best not to include those. It should be noted, however, that the line between girls' and ladies' titles can be very fuzzy and bookstores often disagree with each other and even with the publisher about the intended audience.)
"True horror" refers to comics which are made from "true" stories reported by anyone from professional psychics to the magazine’s subscribers. I personally don’t care much for this subgenre as the stories are necessarily vague and anecdotal, but it seems to be quite popular.
Additions and corrections are welcome!
- Ciao Deluxe Horror (ちゃおデラックスホラー)
Homepage: ちゃおホラー最新号 | ちゃおランド
Publisher: Shogakukan (小学館)
Genre: Horror
Release Schedule: Irregular
Magazine Code: 06240
Notes: Not, strictly speaking, a magazine in its own right, as it is an irregularly produced special edition of the girls' monthly magazine Ciao (ちゃお). But it appears to be one of the few current magazine-style publications dedicated to girls' horror comics.
- HonKowa (ほん怖)
Homepage: HONKOWA (Japanese only)
Publisher: Asahi Shimbun Company (朝日新聞社)
Genre: True horror
Release Schedule: Bimonthly (odd-numbered months) on the 24th
Magazine Code: 08193
Notes: Honto ni Atta Kowai Hanashi ( ほんとにあった怖い話) ("Scary Stories that Really Happened") began as a series in the now discontinued magazine Halloween. It was formerly published by Asahi Sonorama (朝日ソノラマ), and the name change came after Asahi Sonorama was folded back into the Asahi Shimbun Company. Titles run in the magazine are now released under HONKOWA Comics.
- Horror Gourmet (ホラーグルメ)
Homepage: ホラーグルメ制作委員会 (Japanese only)
Publisher: Mitsurinsha (密林社)
Genre: Horror
Release Schedule: Irregular
Notes: An independent crowdfunded girls' horror magazine released through the publisher Mitsurinsha. Also sometimes listed as a comics anthology series.
- Mystery Bonita (ミステリーボニータ)
Homepage: ミステリーボニータ (Japanese only)
Publisher: Akita Shoten (秋田書店)
Genre: Mystery/suspense/horror
Release Schedule: Monthly on the 6th
Magazine Code: 18439
Notes: In publication since 1988, it is one of the longest running girls' horror comics magazines.
- Nemuki+
Homepage: Nemuki+ (Japanese only)
Publisher: Asahi Shimbun Company (朝日新聞社)
Genre: Horror
Release Schedule: Bimonthly (even-numbered months) on the 13th
Magazine Code: 17267
Notes: A spin-off of Nemuki, ultimately derived from the Asahi Sonorama (朝日ソノラマ) magazine Nemurenu Yoru no Kimyou na Hanashi (眠れぬ夜の奇妙な話) ("Strange Tales for Sleepless Nights").
The independent crowdfunded digital magazine Horror Comic Resurrection (ホラーコミック レザレクション) is not specifically intended for girls, but a few of the creators involved are known for girls' horror.
Past Magazines
Qualifying magazines no longer in publication.
Many volumes of titles which appeared in these magazines can still be found, so they’re included for reference. (Besides, some of them are sorely missed!)
- Anata no Shiranai Sekai (あなたの知らない世界)
Publisher: Sakura PRC (さくら出版)
Genre: Horror
In Publication: 2000 - 2001
- Asuka Mystery DX (あすかミステリーDX)
Publisher: Kadokawa Shoten (角川書店)
Genre: Mystery
In Publication: 1992 - 2003
- Digital Horror M (デジタルホラーM)
Publisher: Bunkasha (ぶんか社)
Genre: Horror
In Publication: 2010 - 2011
- Gakuen Mystery (学園ミステリー)
Publisher: Akita Shoten (秋田書店)
Genre: Mystery
In Publication: 1990 - 1996
- Halloween (ハロウィン)
Publisher: Asahi Sonorama (朝日ソノラマ)
Genre: Horror
In Publication: 1986 - 1995
- Hitomi CC Mystery (ひとみCCミステリー)
Publisher: Akita Shoten (秋田書店)
Genre: Mystery
In Publication: 1986 - 1996
- The Horror (ザ・ホラー)
Publisher: Kadokawa Shoten (角川書店)
Genre: Horror
In Publication: 1997 - 2000
- Horror House (ホラーハウス)
Publisher: Tairiku Shobo (大陸書房)
Genre: Horror
In Publication: 1986 - 1992
- Horror WooPee (ホラーウーピー)
Publisher: Leed Sha (リイド社)
Genre: True horror
In Publication: 1998 - 1999
- Kyoufu File DX (恐怖ファイルDX)
Publisher: Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha (実業之日本社)
Genre: Horror/mystery
In Publication: 2016
Notes: Previously published under the name Shinrei Jikenbo DX (心霊事件簿DX).
- Kyoufu Manga 666 (恐怖まんが666)
Publisher: Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha (実業之日本社)
Genre: Horror/mystery
In Publication: 1996 - 2002
- Kyoufu no Yakata Deluxe (恐怖の館デラックス)
Publisher: Leed Sha (リイド社)
Genre: Horror
In Publication: 1992 - 1997
- LC Mystery (LCミステリー)
Publisher: Scholar Sha (スコラ社)
Genre: Mystery
In Publication: 1991 - 1997
- Mystery B St. (Street) [ミステリーBst. (ビィストリート)]
Publisher: Gentosha (幻冬舎)
Genre: Mystery
In Publication: 2001 - 2003
- Mystery Bonita DX (ミステリーボニータDX)
Publisher: Akita Shoten (秋田書店)
Genre: Mystery
In Publication: 1999 - 2000
- Nemuki (Nemurenu Yoru no Kimyou na Hanashi) [ネムキ (眠れぬ夜の奇妙な話)]
Publisher: Asahi Sonorama / Asahi Shimbun Company (朝日ソノラマ / 朝日新聞社)
Genre: Horror
In Publication: 1991 - 2013
- Shinrei Jikenbo DX (心霊事件簿DX)
Publisher: Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha (実業之日本社)
Genre: Horror/mystery
In Publication: 2005 - 2015
Notes: Rebranded as Kyoufu File DX (恐怖ファイルDX).
- Super Horror (スーパーホラー)
Publisher: Somasha (蒼馬社)
Genre: Horror
In Publication: 2000 - 2001
- Suspense & Horror (サスペンス&ホラー)
Publisher: Kodansha (講談社)
Genre: Horror
In Publication: 1987 - 1998
- Susperia (サスペリア)
Publisher: Akita Shoten (秋田書店)
Genre: Horror
In Publication: 1987 - 2001
Notes: Superseded by Susperia Mystery (サスペリアミステリー).
- Susperia Mystery (サスペリアミステリー)
Publisher: Akita Shoten (秋田書店)
Genre: Mystery
In Publication: 2001 - 2012